Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reference Apps

Reference Apps
ispell checker
clock pro for stop watch (useful for DRA)
Common Core: Common Core Standards ap. Makes writing lesson objectives simple.
Brian Pop
 Teacher Smart board for the Ipad
Educreations- Incredible app that lets the teachers record his/her voice as well as written text and have it play back and be accessed anywhere. You can also email the lesson or link it to your teacher web page.
ct to subjects found in the real world, and will also spark curiosity.

ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard
ShowMe is an interactive whiteboard that can record a screencast on the iPad. It will import photos or graphics from iPhoto, has simple drawing tools, an eraser, and voice recording. Having a tool that incorporates graphics with voice recordings provides a wonderful opportunity for students to translate material they have read. Consider asking students to narrate a map of a character's journey, create a timeline, sketch diagrams, animate a recording of the water cycle, or explain the results from a class poll. Teachers will need to create an account in order for users to save work to Uploading content to this site will provide an embed code, and enable the ability to email the file or post it to Twitter or Facebook.

Seat Chart: Lets you take pictures of your students, place desks and windows and students and print them out. 

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